Friday, November 6, 2009

Karma Chameleon

As I was driving home from getting my hair cut today, I figured that I should probably grab some lunch. Since there aren't too many places close to home from which to choose, I immediately opted for Wendy's since I knew it had the best chance of surviving the remaining few miles and still be somewhat hot when I finally had the opportunity to eat the meal.

The voice that bellowed through the speakers was just tinged with misery. Just imagine an exasperated, fed up voice...

"Welcome to Wendy's. What would you like?"

Probably the funniest part about the whole thing was that I almost had no idea what I wanted as I leaned out the window. Yet, somehow, I reeled off the most specific order possible including the size of the meal (medium) with nary a change to the way that they prepare their burger (as I detest tomatoes but figure I'll pick them off myself). The only question she had to ask was what I wanted to drink. It always escapes me as to what particular beverage fast food places serve (Pepsi or Coke), so I just always tell them either/or in regards to the drink. They water it down so much, in the end, it doesn't matter anyway.

Suddenly, the voice brightened and thanked me after telling me to pull to the first window.

When I approached the window to offer payment, the woman was smiling and told me that she appreciated the fact that I knew exactly what I wanted as some hem and haw for minutes.

Sure, I was glad to detract from the otherwise monotonous activities of her day, but in my heart I know that I order specifically to get the hell out of there and away from the general public. I'm of the caveman mentality..."bag it and drag it back to the cave".

Then I approached the next window. I was quickly handed my drink but had to wait a few moments for my burger and fries. Before the bag popped out of the window, I was handed another drink. I informed them that I already had one (just like the French soldiers in regard to the Grail), but she said that she made a mistake and that I could have an extra one to take back to the office. (My casual business attire must have confused her into thinking I was respectable!)

So, I eventually drove away with two drinks and a hot meal.

And as I thought about the extra drink, I realized that this is the type of "good karma" I hear about every so often. Like a chameleon, it presents itself in different ways each day.

However, when you get down to the nitty gritty, it's all a facade.

Like all the other "good karma", it's served in a medium container, very cold, watered down, and, ultimately, only offers a brief respite from thirsting for what truly satisfies you.

Oh karma chameleon, you truly do come and go...all too quickly...


Anonymous said...

"Love conquers everything even karma.”- Mettrie L.

Anonymous said...

Happened to me two weeks ago, they goofed my drink at Starbucks ... seriously you do NOT want to see me after two triple venti lattes!
