Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New York Minute

They say when things turn in the blink of an eye that they can change in a New York Minute.

Wonder if there's such a thing as a Vegas minute...

I only ask because things change here more rapidly than anywhere I've ever seen...people speed through red lights because they feel that the regular rules of the road fail to apply to them; one minute you can be driving along, the next minute it seems as if the person in the car behind you is in your backseat because they are "important" and need to get somewhere; and finally, a seemingly great conversation can go awry because everyone here has an opinion (albeit usually uninformed) and they feel the need to state it without either backing it up or listening to anyone else's opinion...

Honestly, I thought I would have heard if someone knighted these people as special. I've met many here who are "special" but not in the sort of way you'd think.

Maybe out here, "touched" is a more apt term.

Probably why I try to avoid the night (and day) life here as often as possible.

On the brighter side, I did get the Get Shorty collector's edition for only $6 so at least part of my day will be filled with enjoyment.

It's the little things that get me through the day...lol.


PinkSuzette said...

Not being from America don't you know, I can only insert "Toowoomba" where "new York" is.

Anonymous said...

LOL I wonder if there's a Toronto minute. But I'll tell you, Montreal has rules all their own for the roads ... it's like Indy racing downtown ... quiet exciting.

I'll show you!