(The fact that no once can drive on wet pavement--much less dry, for that matter--out here also is an incentive to stay indoors to avoid fender benders on the road.)
My choice between reading and locating a good movie was made almost instantly the moment I went out and turned on the TV. You see...I have tons of movies, TV shows, etc. on DVD...but there's nothing quite like discovering old favorites that you don't own ready to roll for you on the tube. And fortune shined upon me this day as there were four movies (three of which I don't have in my collection) to keep me entertained!
First up was arguably my favorite Woody Allen film, Radio Days.

The film is not only a nostalgic look at the golden age of radio, but also at a coming of age story. Allen juxtaposes what seems to be a semi-autobiographical tale of growing up in New York during the World War II era with the radio celebrities and performers that were highlights of the era. Touching and funny, this one is often overlooked when people discuss the better Allen films. It shouldn't be as it's among his best!
Overlapping this film and the third in my little marathon was Alien.

I still recall being 10 and seeing the advertisement in the paper for this, desperately trying to persuade some member of my family to take me. No such luck. But, over the course of the past 30 years (THIRTY! Boy am I getting old), I've not only seen it many times but I own it. So it kind of fell by the wayside even though I switched channels to peek in from time to time.
I only allowed Alien to fall by the wayside since my favorite football movie of all time was on and I hadn't seen it in years.

Yes, not the crappy remake of The Longest Yard from a few years back, but the gritty original film which always reminds people that Burt Reynolds could actually act! This is always billed as a comedy, but for me at least, was so much more. Just a great film that transcends the game of football because it's all about character. I tend to think of it more as a drama with comedic elements but, hey, to each their own. If you haven't seen it, please pick it up as it's worth your time. I'd rather watch this than the past decade of Super Bowls combined.
Finally, another classic...Planet of the Apes...

Unless you've lived in a cave for the past 40 years, you've undoubtedly seen it so there's no real need to go into a synopsis. Suffice it to say, it still has the most shocking ending of all time and I couldn't help but wonder what it was like to have seen it in the theater back in 1968.
Since that ended, there's really been a dearth of quality entertainment available...now where's that book? ;)
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