How about the never ending war in Iraq? Mayyyyyyybe...
But it seems that the most pressing thing facing America this day, Thursday, February 12th 2009...
What strikes me as funny about this is the percentage of people who are either "somewhat" afraid or "very" concerned about the discovery of the killer bees in Utah.
I recall flipping through the National Enquirer back in the 70s when the fear of the killer bees was prevalent on at least a bi-monthly basis! As a kid, I remember being terrified by the impending arrival of the bees. They tracked them like the news stations do Santa via radar on Christmas Eve.
Then I grew up.
However, I always wondered what happened to those bees. If they had the same technology (and lack of common sense) we do today, they may have assigned them various alert statuses to correspond to where they currently were.
Africa--Killer Bees
Florida--Agitated bees
North Carolina--Aunt Bees (sorry, had to throw that in there)
Baltimore--Do-Bees ;)
Ohio--Disillusioned bees
Canada--Slightly miffed bees this all people have to be concerned about?
For those who are, I present a pictorial history of the Killer Bees in their various incarnations...
SNL (1975-1978)

Miami Dolphins 1980s

Wrestling 1985-1988

Houston Astros 1990s

Wu Tang Clan (Timeless)

See how harmless killer bees (b's) are? They come and go over the years, do minimal damage to the American psyche...then vanish...
Kind of like Republicans...
WHAT the killer bees are back??!! How come noone told me *looks around nervously*
Yeah I remember the panic when word got out about the African "killer bees". Never mind that logically they would die or at least be incapacitated when they reached - if they ever did, that's a hella long way to fly - North America.
You would really think people would have more important things to worry about but I guess things never really change.
Slightly miffed bees? Yeah tell that to the bees who kept divebombing me last summer, they seemed more than a little "miffed"
Hey...if it's not the bees, it's A-Fraud finally coming clean.
Frankly, I'll take death by bees at this point so I don't have to hear another word about that.
*snickers at "A-Fraud*
Be careful what you wish for, the bees are watching and summer isn't that far off.
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