I'm not sure why, but I honestly thought Indianapolis was in the Central time zone. You can imagine how surprised I was when I saw my phone suddenly change to an hour ahead when I thought I would beat the rush hour traffic to my hotel in Indianapolis today.
I chalk it up to car lag, of course...or the fact that some of the idiocy of Yoko still lingers in the air!
Speaking of whom, I alluded to something that I did as part of my revenge for her making life miserable the past year and a half in my post a few days back...perhaps this is an opportunity to elaborate...
If you'll recall, one of the five completely idiotic comments she made one night was that "eggs don't spoil"...well, after being out with friends on Friday night, I decided to test her theory with a little early Easter egg hunt!
I decided to take about a half dozen eggs and scatter them in various places around the kitchen and living room, hiding them well. Since I don't buy her theory and she likes to keep the condo really hot, she should start noticing the smell soon! :D
And my last vision of Yoko will always be this:
I was loading up the SUV at around 6:30am Sunday morning and, at one point when hauling things out, noticed that she was up and about. She asked me what I was doing. When I informed her that I was leaving, she was shocked! (Odd that she knew when I was leaving yet this still surprised her.)
She mumbled something and, as my hearing isn't the greatest, I asked her to repeat it. She looked grim and set about making her coffee. Later, she said that she knows I hate her and again, this time I didn't hear it...on purpose. Before I left, though, she wept and gave me a big hug and the smell of alcohol almost knocked me to the floor. Again, how can anyone be like that? I guess she was up all night drinking alone in her room. Now if she was called out on this, she would always tell Mark "I'm sorry. I screwed up." But she never learns...
So as you can pretty much surmise, nothing much happened today. No rain, no animal regurgitation, no major events.
I chalk this up to the fact that I've re-entered civilization...lol. Maybe the cold has something to do with it. The heat of the Southwest probably makes people crazy and the chilly weather somehow subdues that.
No...today I just enjoyed a shorter drive than the past two days, listened to some music and did some thinking. It's amazing how much runs through your mind when you have plenty of time to spend with yourself. Most likely, I'll touch upon that later as I'm still pondering things. However, one lyric that really seemed to sum everything up was this...
"This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living"
--Twist Of Fate, Olivia Newton John
Now it's a 5 hour trip to Cleveland where I'll spend the next few days with friends before returning to Pittsburgh sometime on Monday. In some respects, it will be like traveling back in time to a zone where things were, in retrospect, a lot better. With one caveat in terms of expecting anything will be the same as they were before...
"Don't bet your future
On one roll of the dice
Better remember
Lightning never strikes twice"
--Back In Time, Huey Lewis & The News
"So as you can pretty much surmise, nothing much happened today. No rain, no animal regurgitation, no major events."
*looks puzzled* You regurgitate animals? That must....hurt...
Sean you are an evil man, lol. I just hope they're found before the apartment is shown, the spell would knock people off their feet.
Haha, I have a few for you I think.
When I said "BUDDY" I did mean your dog,lol not sure if you knew that.
Oh and yes I DO know where it's at;) Did I detect smartassness with that one...;P
Oh & I was going to say pretty much what phoenix said, I hope Yoko finds those eggs before she moves out IF she ever comes to the realization that she MUST go at some point. Wow she sounded fun.
When your settled in send me a message, ya didnt answer all the Qs...LOL;)
It doesn't hurt but the fur tickles on the way back up. ;)
I am evil...just a product of the environment I was in!
Lol...well since you sent the e-mail to an old address, I thought you might have the onset of some sort of dementia. ;)
Who knows when and if Yoko is leaving...that's not my problem anymore! :D
Lol...I will send you a message next week. Vic and I are planning on getting together at some point probably two weeks after I return on Monday.
Yeah DEMENTIA, THATs what we'll call it ;) ;)....
Awww you have a date, thats cool. Hope you guys have a good time;)
you know ... I'd like to see Jack's blog. I wonder if he's enjoying the revenge on Yoko as much as you are.
*snorts* I'm always amazed you're surprised by her Sean ...
But seriously, link us all to Jack's blog please ;-)
Safe Travels!
K :-)
Yeah...Vic and I want to pick up where we left off...which shouldn't be hard since we're both miserable. ;)
Well as soon as I teach Jack to type and can get him to sit still long enough, we'll see what we can do. ;)
Jack got his revenge as I freaked her out when he was...*ahem*..."excited" one day and I put it right in her face. :D
I know..nothing she did should have surprised me...yet, a new adventure awaited me each time I stepped out of my room!
Far be it for me to encourage the eating of animals (aside from cow, chicken etc) but if ya skins em before eating, the hair isn't a problem when they come back up ;)....not that I know that of course.
Oh and Debbie I like you,we've gotta talk.
So where's Jack's blog already? Meh!
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