Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Connection Refused

That's what it actually said when I tried to click on the Yahoo mail site to clean up all of the spam I receive! It was something I'd never seen before. Usually, if it takes too long, it will offer a "connection timed out" or will just give me nothing in return.

Normally, I wouldn't have given this a second thought (okay, I may have since it was so oddly phrased) but something someone said to me in an e-mail caused me to look at it another way and in terms of life overall.

She noticed that lately, very few comments appear on my blog anymore. Even that's fine since I know people read it and may mention something in passing later on.

Then I thought about it a little more...and noticed that I receive very few e-mails as of late too.

Not only that, but I was on my cell provider's website today searching for the software to add music to my phone so I can create my own ring and ringback tones...and happened to see that of the 950 minutes I have available, only 74 minutes have been used--and the monthly cycle is nearly up!

Add to that the fact that the person who mentioned the lack of responses to my blog suddenly disappeared mid conversation!

Suddenly, I felt like Flounder in Animal House just as he's about to enter the Delta frat and smells under his arms and breathes into his cupped hands to check for possible halitosis.

Is it me...or are people overall just vanishing from life altogether? Is this everyone's crazy time of year? Has there been a zombie holocaust that I've not been made aware of? Is it possible people are refusing to connect with me?

I tend to respond to everyone who contacts me within a day or two at the latest. Needless to say, I've had extra free time on my

Anyway, just some random things on my mind today (other than mysterious disappearances)...

Has anyone noticed that when Hollywood finds even a marginally marketable personality, they have to milk the hell out of them until we're sick of seeing their faces? Although I like the actors, I think Emily Blunt has a movie coming out every other week and I just passed Seth Rogen in the hallway. Hey...he's everywhere else...why not here?

Is there anything they haven't put in a "wrap" at fast food establishments and grocery stores yet? Pretty soon, milkshakes will come in a frigging wrap if this keeps up.

Here's how I see producers mulling over any Jason Statham film..."Either we put foreign substances in his body or we don't...then we add really fast cars and a smattering of women...and to appease America's appetite for ridiculous violence, let's have him beat the living hell out of anyone that crosses his path with outrageously choreographed violence!"

Remember that classic I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel work on the candy factory assembly line and hijinks ensue?

Candy making is supposed to be filled with mirth and merriment...except with my family. They were making candy today (as they've done many times in the past around the holidays) and while watching TV upstairs, I heard anger tinged bellows of "WAIT A MINUTE! WAIT A MINUTE!" emanating from the kitchen. I decided to turn up the volume on the TV since, sadly, there was no laugh track accompanying the scene unfolding below.

But there was one uplifting moment of the day...though it took a worldwide economic crisis to bring at least one person to this realization, it's nice to see that someone "gets it"...

Don't Confuse Money With Happiness

Sage advice enjoy your wraps! ;)


Anonymous said...

Skitcheroo … interesting take … then again, I wouldn’t anticipate anything less from you.

What I learned yesterday was the rather brutal less that some people will only ever be able to see things from their (rather limited) point of view. It’s a rare thing to come across someone who can step out of their own drama, challenges and selfishness to understand that their words and or actions have long reaching and negative implications. Not unlike going somewhere and constantly getting a wrap, if you always receive “me me me” from someone, it’s eventually going to nauseate you.

These people are NOT worth your time or effort, no matter what role they play in your life.

Hey … look, I’m blogging on your blog.

*shrugs* I don’t know if it’s one to grow on, but I for one, appreciate your unique point of view!

~ K

Fire said...

Heeyyyyyy I keep in touch, in fact I believe you owe me an email.*glare* In fact we talk all the time...well at least via email. Long distance is expensive you know. I also have a Yahoo Messenger account so we could chat that way to, just give me the word.

for God's sake don't stop blogging, just because we don't comment doesn't mean we don't appreciate it!

Yeah Hollywood is like a giant insect, it just sucks the career out of people, not to mention the lifeforce then spits them out.

Hey Hollywood enough with the Hannah Montana movies 'k?

Anonymous said...

hey loner!

just wanted to say we always check your blog. :D

Dont always comment though - but are always wishing good things for you!

Kim & mark

Skitch said...


Thanks for the compliment! :)

Believe me, I experienced the "me, me me" thing while in Vegas. Unfortunately, it's everywhere, but never to the extent it was there.

Some people are worth your time and effort. Sad thing is you really have to dig to find them anymore!

Skitch said...


Ummm...I sent YOU an e-mail back the next day...actually thought that you had something important going on as I've never heard You know I wouldn't leave you hanging!

No...not stopping the blog...just wondered where everyone was...and that doesn't apply to everyone

Skitch said...

Kim & Mark...

Thanks...I know you both do! I'm not begging for that people have vanished as of late.

Fire said...

Well color me bright tomato red, I thought I answered that one.

Admit it Sean you're just an attention whore, lol

Skitch said...





Fire said...




Lana said...

i know i'm a little late to this post, but having recently discovered your blog i wanted to say that i'm happy to comment and let you know how refreshing it is to find something i actually enjoy readuing. hopefully my possessed computer won't spread any demons to your system. (that's my excuse for not getting comments)

btw, it's my humble opinion that seth rogan is smart enough to know he must ride the wave while it's high, it might be his only chance.

Fire said...

SEE Sean!!! People read your blog. You can't judge it by the comments. *sticks out tongue*

Skitch said...


Lol...thanks for the comments. Glad you like the blog!

Don't worry...there are enough demons inside me to ward away any others. >:)

Oh I like Rogen...just that I'm tired of seeing him in everything! But he does have to strike while the iron's hot.

Skitch said...

Karen,'s not so much about the I said, I know people read it and mention it in passing. Just wondering where people are otherwise.