Tonight I actually had the first good laugh I've had in a long time. I was actually in tears.
Apparently, my aunt did my uncle's taxes. She thought he should be receiving $450 but when returned, it seemed that he owed $450.
Quite the pickle!
So she asked me to look at it and input it on TurboTax.
I can do mine on there, no problem. However, since he receives a pension, bought a house, has medical deductions, etc., it was a bit out of my league. Yes, they make it easy, but there was some paperwork she couldn't find and, when I thought she was off to go and look for it, she moved along to another project.
Well, I attempted to give it a go based on the information that I had.
At one point, I entered a number and in regard to federal taxes owed, the number had shot up well over a million dollars!
Sorry buddy...best I can do...better get that checkbook out, big guy!
Lol...I called the only person who would get a chuckle out of that...his son.
The jovial mood was dampened somewhat by the poor reception on my cell, but I'm still laughing.
And that's all that matters! :)
Postscript...the laughter continued with this...
*Note to self: don't..let..Sean..do..my..taxes.....EVER!!!*
Hey skitch ... wanna do my taxes? Make sure I get a million dollars back and we'll take off to some island without extradition.
LOL now your blog is gonna be watched by the IRS. Yep, I'm still a sadistic bytch!
OH SHIT! I forgot to file my income tax return. Just kidding, I got my '06 returns in right on time. Oh shit, what year is it?
Lol...good thing is...I don't charge! :D
Believe me...if I could find a way to get a million back, I would have done so by now! >:)
Hey...the 1906 returns! Congrats! So there IS such a thing as reincarnation.
There must be because I'm paying for since from a previous life! Lol
Brian...sit down dude....don't mean to make you panic but...youz in trouble....HIDE!
good luck today Sean
Yeah YOU don't charge but the IRS does if you owe and don't pay :o)
Thanks...it went well! :)
Yeah, but senators don't have to pay for years until they're caught!
Forgive me for stating the obvious, Sean but you aren't a Senator....
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