If you see that little picture of me down to the right, it probably doesn't strike you as anything significant. However, that was taken at one of my rare breakfast appearances at an eating establishment. That was taken about a year and a half ago which shows you how rare that really is!
I know breakfast is the "most important meal of the day", but since I'm not a morning person, I'll gladly forgo nutrition for sleep!
Yesterday, I had to take the dog to the vet. After I picked him up from a grooming appointment last Wednesday, we had driven not more than 50 feet from Petsmart when someone decided that he had the right of way and barreled out of the lane, causing me to hit my brakes (he must have been a Vegas driver). As a result, Jack, who was making his way from the back seat to the front, was hurled face first into the front of the car. I waved the jackass in the car along.
Had I spied the blood on Jack before turning onto a major road, I would have cut the guy off and hurled him through the windshield. I pulled into Bob Evans' parking lot to wipe away the blood and make sure he was ok.
Turns out the dog had a slit on his eyelid that required stitching. So, after dropping him off at the hospital, my family wanted to go to Bob Evans for breakfast.
The table of six miscreants behind us had the manager over to their table for probably around 20 minutes during the course of their stay. I can speak from experience that it's during those times that you wish you had chosen a career path that didn't involve dealing with the general public.
What is there to complain about at Bob Evans, might I ask?
Though I could only hear snippets of the conversation, complaints didn't involve the food. There was discussion of the menu including prices and descriptions, but everyone seemed to be satisfied with their meals.
How much simpler can we make things for people?
When I go into a restaurant, I see what's there, maybe glance at the price, and then order. Yesterday, I wanted the Border Omelet (which I noticed came with tomatoes...which I hate). I asked if I could get them without. The server said that they were mixed in. So I got it with tomatoes and just picked them out while I ate it. No big deal.
But for some it is. I'm not sure what happens to people when they go out, but they get awfully weird. (Of course, they are leaving their natural habitat so maybe it's culture shock of some sort.)
I remember when I worked at Applebee's many moons ago. A mother and daughter came in and the daughter ordered a Caesar salad. However, I was instructed that I had to find out whether or not it contained Xanthan Gum (or some other odd ingredient). It's not because she was allergic (which I can understand)...it was because the daughter was a "model" and couldn't have it since it was "bad" for her health.
This was when I hadn't yet let people wear me down, resulting in the cynic you read here today. So I never had an opportunity to retort, "Eat the damn thing. You could stand to put on a few pounds you bag of bones." Instead, I begrudgingly sought out the ingredients and came back and told her what was in it (though I also threw in some snide comment I knew would travel over their empty heads).
That's why I think, no matter what, people should be forced to work with the public for at least a year, regardless of their lot in life. If you ever want to see the real world, abandon that tired MTV version and live it.
As for me...well, I've done my share (too much of it, I might add) so I can pass along the wisdom to others.
And that pic of me out for breakfast is not unlike spying Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. No one snapped one of me yesterday because hopefully, people will spin yarns or sing songs in the mountains about my breakfast appearances someday, and my legacy will be ensured!
Until then, be on the lookout for that quiet cynic at a table near you. He might just be eavesdropping on your own rhubarb and writing about it soon!
Oh poor Jack ...
Well, reminds me of the time I ordered a Cesear Salad in California, it came with tomatoes. I was horrified. I HATE tomatoes.
Of course, once in Buffalo NY, I was telling my co-workers this at an Applebys and the waiter ... overhearing simply said "I guess we'll get your salad without tomatoes" ... it doubled his tip.
you're right ... everyone should work for the public ... or be the mother to two pukey kids at once. it's all tough.
And see...some people are attentive...most don't realize that things like that go a long way!
Lol...since I'll never have the chance to be a mom, guess I'll have to settle for the public. ;)
Your story reminds me of one of our Suncoast moments. Although I can't remember the specifics, but we had the guy going for a while, and proceeded to laugh about it for quite some time after he left. Do you remember what I'm talking about?
is jack recovering well? my dog always tries to get in my lap when i'm driving. he's about 50 pounds so it's not terribly convenient, and i'm always afraid of a similar situation happening to us.
and i thought being a cook/chef would keep me out of the direct line of fire with customers, not so. i mean, it's not as bad as what waiters have to put up with, but then again, we usually make less money so i guess it evens out.
Awww poor lil Jack. You should get him a little carseat, my sister-in-law has 1 for her dog & they are really cute. He may just love it & feel more secure and happy.
See, I'll actually call people out for being assholes in public. Especially when they're ruining my dinner or whatever else I'm paying hard earned money for.
Barely...I seem to recall us doing that to quite a few people...lol. I was just remembering watching people walk into the glass in the front of the store and laughing the other day!
Jack's doing great, thanks for asking! He's back to his spry little self!
Yeah, the restaurant business is tough. People told me that I should go to culinary school because I love to cook. However, I love to cook for me or a small group, not hordes of angry, fussy customers...lol.
Oh they didn't ruin anything. In fact, sometimes they provide more entertainment if I just listen in!
Though there are times when I could easily take a swing at someone. ;)
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