Saturday, May 9, 2009

How Does THAT Grab Ya?

I've learned to give things more of a chance.

Take Lost, for example. I've been watching that from the beginning and it's paid off in spades by telling a great epic story.

However, there are things that I've passed on that I later regretted.

Take Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. I bought the first issue about 5 years ago...and it didn't grab me. So, I let it go. About a year and a half later, I picked it up again. Since then, I've bought it on a monthly basis. What a great story that would translate perfectly to an HBO or Showtime series! (Good thing I held onto that first issue, though, as it's now worth quite a bit of

So when I heard the same author was coming out with another superhero book, called Invincible, I thought "Been there...done that." I mean, what could you possibly do to make it interesting? I guess tell another damned good story since I've been buying the trade versions weekly to catch up!

Then when he came out with The Astounding Wolf Man, I really tried to avoid it like the plague. Come on...HOW can you take a wolf man and make that character interesting? Again, I was wrong. I've since picked up the two volumes collecting the first dozen or so issues of the comic.

You'd think I would learn after originally dismissing things like Buffy, The Vampire Slayer until the 6th season, Angel until halfway through the fifth, The Sopranos until season two and a host of other TV, movies, books, etc that are too numerous to mention...

But if it doesn't grab me, I just can't get interested in it...and I know I'm missing a ton of great things out there!

Anything you've missed out on that didn't grab you at first and you later had to get into?

Lol...I'm almost scared of some of the answers I might get on that loaded question! ;)


Fire said...

Yeah....Lost, lol. I've had a bitch of a time with Seasons 2 and 3 as they aren't shown on tv any more, I'll have to rent them.

Anonymous said...

psssssssst Karen ... I think you can watch them on

*ponders what she'd like to grab*



*giggling cuz the code word today is fackin*

Fire said...

Hi K! I didn't know that, and I have a laptop now so I can get comfy on my sofa while I watch.

Hmmmm is that what you can grab or who?

Lana said...

walking dead is b's favorite, and i usually like what he likes, but i have yet to pick that one up and actually read it. i think i might have to now.

and my second chances are usually because i start something, get distracted, start something else, and have to go back to whatever it was i started with in the first place.

Skitch said...


See? Your answer is right below your comment! ;)

Did I mention I have all 4 seasons (sans Frankie Valli of course)?

Skitch said...


Lol...still pondering? >:)

Skitch said...


I think you'd enjoy the book. It's well written (with an occasional slump into some dull issues). Anything Kirkman writes I'll read...same with Geoff Johns.

Yeah...there's a lot of things I need to get back to as well...might as well call me JoJo! ;)

Fire said...

I know Sean...but it should have come from you seeing as you're the one who got me hooked.

Vic said...

I've been looking for something new to read. And if you like it, I'll like it. Just did an in store reservation at the local Borders for Book 1!

I'll let you know how I like it!

Skitch said...


I guess I'll have to admit it openly here...I'm a Lost dealer! ;)

Skitch said...


I think you'll enjoy it. If I still had the first 2 volumes, I'd loan them to you. I can do that with the other ones that I mentioned since I just recently bought those.

Maybe I should have become a dealer of some sort since I'm getting everyone hooked on

Fire said...

I KNEW it!!!! You BASTARD,lol

Brian said...

Excellent lucky bastard, I can't believe you have #1, there's your retirement fund right there.

Skitch said...


I Though it will be a nice sum if I get it graded and find someone willing to pay the cash!