Friday, June 5, 2009

One tourist whose every move might NOT have been among the purest...

Ok...everyone's been made aware of the death of David Carradine at this point (no need to comment...that IS a shameless plug for my column...moving along...)

When the news first broke about it yesterday, I was bummed because I genuinely liked him as an actor. He always seemed in good spirits and to never take life too seriously.

That's why the early reports that he hung himself seemed to be a bit odd to me. Coupled with fellow actors denouncing a suicide, things seemed as if they might be a tad fishy and that foul play had something to do with it.

Then came the reports of not one, but two nooses, the second being tied firmly around his genitals.

Now the picture becomes a little clearer. If that aspect is indeed true, then he pulled a Michael Hutchence on himself and was toying with autoerotic asphyxiation.

I'm not condemning him for that. Hey...whatever turns you and let live!

Still, does it make me a terrible person that the first thing that came to mind was a correlation between where he was located (city-wise, not the closet) and a musical number which was also a one hit wonder in the 80s?

That whole event gives new meaning to the lyrics...

"One night in Bangkok
Makes a hard man humble"

Truly, there's not really much between despair and ecstasy.

Though from what I understand, if the song were to be re-worded, it would sound more like...

"One town's
Very like another

When your head's down

Over your penis


Yes, I AM going to hell in case the thought crossed anyone's mind!


Brian said...

Lord, if that's true, that is just...

Skitch said...


I'm curious as to what word follows "just..."


So far I've not yet read it anywhere, but I have a twisted mind and put 2 and 2 together...but that's just the romantic in me.

Fire said...

You are horrible Sean, just twisted....especially since I almost choked on my supper reading this.

You never know, maybe the man's penis was depressed too. It's never good to assume.

Damn that makes me a horrible person too doesn't it?

Skitch said...


Well every man's penis is depressed (though those are called "innies") ;)

But many don't use rope...

...or DO we?


Anonymous said...

Wow Skitcher, I was shocked by the news of suicide too, but somehow this is a bit of a relief. In my sick and twisted mind, I'd prefer to thing of it as an accident trying to achieve pleasure, than a sad way to end your life.

Whatever floats yer boat ... but he shoulda used a spotter ;-)


Skitch said...

K, does one ask for a spotter in that situation? He'd have to know someone really well. ;)

Brian said...

Well, after 'just' definately NOT comes either 'awesome' or 'cool.' I was leaning more towards 'horrifying.'

Fire said...

Okay, scuse me depressed isn't the right word, is suicidal clearer?

K you have just helped me decide my next career move. I'm going to become a professional autoeroticism spotter...thank's much