Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well what do you know?

My blog turned one year old on Tuesday!

And I think about how much has changed in this past year...

Not much

I've learned that the grass isn't always's just different grass...

Friends come and go...and I don't worry about it as much anymore...the people who are meant to be in your life will be...the ones who aren't...won't...

I've had the incredible opportunity to add a longtime friend to my life...

I've moved from one end of the country to the other...

I think this calls for a celebration by "wilding"...and if those of you old enough to recall what that was for one brief moment in time, I googled it by image and this is what came up first...

Not exactly the same type of "wilding" as I recall..

I think I prefer the new version. ;)

Hope everyone has a great week!


Lana said...

happy blog birthday!

your dog is adorable :)

Anonymous said...

blogaversary? I love making up new words.

Whatever it is I'm gratedful for your little corner of the world wide interweb universe and the fact that regardless of everything else, I can bask in your words here.

Jack's adorable.

and YOWZA ... gotta LOVE that image!



Skitch said...


Thanks! And he is a cutie, isn't he?

Skitch said...


Aw...thanks on all counts! :)

Lol...I know...that image is phenomenal! :D

Anonymous said...

*taps Her chin*

hmmmm She reminds Me of someOne


Skitch said...


And who might that be?