Monday, September 21, 2009

Kentucky Fried Chicken Flow Italian

Every now and again, I'll go back to check some of the sites I've saved just to see 1) if they still exist and 2) what's new on them.

The first one I went to (Perpetual Kid) featured some cool horror related stuff. Alas, it doesn't seem that the matching bath mat with bloody footprints is still available. Damn. Why do I wait to order this stuff?

Next I went on over to Diecastfan to see if the Hemicuda model from the movie Phantasm was still up for sale. Better luck here. It is...but it's out of stock. No biggie. Eventually it will return.

Then I popped on over to Steve Rushin's site to see what he's been up to. He was one of the reasons I used to read Sports Illustrated religiously (he and Rick Reilly), but since his departure from the magazine, it's difficult to find anything written by him. He's a voice that I miss on a regular basis.

Finally (and only because I paused to write this), I spotted Brian K Vaughn's site on the list. Since he writes for comics (Ex Machina) and TV (Lost), I thought I'd see what projects he was working on other than those. When it came up in the browser, the title read "Kentucky Fried Chicken Flow Italian at BKV.TV".

Since that's the first thing that caught my eye, I couldn't help wonder what craziness was going to ensue (as he's a pretty creative guy).

Could it be a recipe?

Perhaps something coded for Lost's upcoming final season?

A blog post?

Or some weird amalgamation between KFC and Olive Garden that's determined to capture everyone's attention by offering two kinds of crappy food all in the same location.

Much to my dismay, the site's license had lapsed and it was just a link to other sites. You can see a whole lot of nothing here.

The odd running together and phrasing of that reminded me of something funny that happened in college.

My friend Mark was telling me about a roommate he had that, when asleep, would chatter away with gibberish that completely made zero sense. His (and also my) favorite phrase was "Rocks fall but the plywood always doesn't do it".

What the hell does that mean? Who knows, but it just became kind of an inside joke for a while.

That is, until our journalism class was given an assignment to write a headline and article (the headline being the most important part to catch people's eyes) for a newspaper column regarding former Minnesota Vikings player, Mossy Cade.

We'd already hashed ours out, but, for some reason, our friend Siobain was fretting over it. She came to us, frustrated that she was stymied by this seemingly simplistic task, and asked what we'd come up with.

Mark offered the aforementioned headline while I told her that mine was "Fire Trucks Fly Through The Windy Hills of Montana".

Normally very intelligent, she was perplexed at our choices and asked why we selected those. I can't remember what we spewed forth but it was a complete line of BS. She still seemed confused.

Until we laughed at her.

She was one always to be sharp and in on the joke (as the three of us used to come up with conversation that would have been great fodder for a sitcom during our several lunches per week), but since the assignment wasn't clicking with her, she stormed out of the room hurling expletives at us, upset that we hadn't helped her a bit.

Such is the price of comedy!

Now I just have to find a way to work "Kentucky Fried Chicken Flow Italian" into conversation. There are just hordes of gullible people out there who will eat it up. I'm sure I won't have to wait long! ;)


Unknown said...

"Alas, it doesn't seem that the matching bath mat with bloody footprints is still available. Damn. Why do I wait to order this stuff?"

SHOOT ... now I gotta figure out something ELSE for you for Christmas?!?!?!?! Geez >;)

Warning ... crazy lady story below ...

My beloved Frenchie (aka The First Born) was very fond of his stufed toys. This was never very problematic until the birth of my first child. Then the dog would steal the babies toys, to the howling screams of me yelling "Parker, NOT YOUR STUFFY"

My sister found this infinately amusing, so I challenged her to work it into a sentence later that evening to a party which we we're both attending.

She did, I can't remember the way she didn't (it couldn't be as simple as explaining the line) but I'll NEVER forget the perplexed look on her friends face.



Skitch said...


Lol...that's an absolutely hilarious line to use. I read another one today that made me laugh. Someone commented on a Facebook update that their "donut tastes like hate". For some reason, I just found that to be a great line. If you used those two in conjunction with one another and separate demeanors, I think people would call for some help ASAP! ;)

Odd...could have sworn I replied to this comment earlier in the week. Something must have gotten screwed up. As usual in life...