Friday, October 2, 2009

It's on the tip of my tongue and stuck in my head...

It's that song.

The one from...

Oh...I almost have it.

It's that's an old group...

I just heard it on that commercial and...OH WHAT THE HELL IS IT?

We've all been there. You're half paying attention to some commercial on TV and you hear a snippet of a song...but you can't remember what it is or who sang it.


About two years ago, my friend and I would hang out during the summer and watch Cubs games on WGN. One day, a car commercial aired and though we both heard the jingle, neither of us talked about the song until later.

Until it stuck in our heads and finally we confronted one another.

"Hey...what was that song in that commercial?"

Neither of us knew what it was.

So we figured we'd ask around.

However, the most we could come up with was to imitate the notes and follow it with one word...


Our friends looked at the two of us like we were either insane or kidding.

Knowing us, either guess would usually apply.

But in this particular case, we were completely serious.

We HAD to know.

I searched the internet looking for song lyrics with the word "fire" in them.

Guess how well that turned out? There were hundreds of songs it could have been.

Finally, we gave up, thinking we'd never come up with the title. I knew it was a song that was popular from the mid 60s to the mid 70s but couldn't place it. I even mentioned that it was probably one of those weird tunes whose title is never mentioned in the song (i.e. The Who's "Baba O'Reilly").

He imitated a front man for a band announcing their next song: "Now, climbing the top of the charts, our huge hit, 'Hot Dog"!" Then sang "Fire..." and mimicked the synthesizer...yes, you have to imagine it to be really funny...anyway...


Months later, I was watching Hot Fuzz on HBO. Suddenly, I heard it again!

Now I knew where I could track it down!

I immediately went to for the film and looked at the soundtrack listing.

This was the song...

Whew...thankfully, that was over.

Until lately...

Recently, I've heard a jingle on a commercial that I know I knew from somewhere. Again, all I heard was a synthesizer and the words "How long?" while a guy was in his car singing.

This is definitely where the internet comes in handy!

I attempted every keyword I knew...CURRENT COMMERCIAL JINGLES, COMMERCIAL SONGS, etc.

Then I hit upon this and thought I'd found the answer.

Nope. He was posing the same question.

I somehow thought it might be Bad Company or Badfinger. Again, I knew it was a 70s tune but couldn't think of the name.

So I dug further.

Finally, I found it.


And people say that they don't know how to fill their time if they didn't have work to occupy their otherwise meaningless hours...

Not only did I fill your time by having you read this, but I might have just solved some mysteries for you too! ;)

Ok...maybe it wasn't the answer to the meaning of life, but maybe some meaning IN your life? Lol


Anonymous said...

I never heard the "fire" song before, ever!

Unknown said...

*shakes her fist at the computer* DAMNED this work firewall ...


Apparently it'll remain a mystery for me.


Skitch said...


You learn something new everyday! ;)

Skitch said...


Well check it out at home! They're great songs! :)