Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

You know, I was just telling someone yesterday that I don't dread Friday the 13th. Usually everyone is paranoid about bad luck but since I pretty much have it each day of the year, things usually take a 180 on this particular day.

So I got up and took Jack to the vet for his annual update. They gave him some Benadryl prior to the shots to prevent an allergic reaction. After administering the shots, I was checking out and awaiting some estimates on the cost of him getting neutered. Then, the guy who grooms him came over to chat.

Jack started hacking a bit and as I moved him from leaning over my shoulder to holding him in my arms, I noticed his heart pounding slowly. The nurse mentioned how he looked droopy. She thought it best for the doctor to take a look at him and told me to come back in about 15 minutes or so.

I went to run an errand and came back. They told me to step into the office.

Apparently, Jack went into anaphylactic shock and had I not stopped to get the info and chat with the groomer, he would have died in the car on the way home.

They're keeping him for observation until 6.

Now the entire cost for what was supposed to be a quick trip to the vet is well over $600.

As long as he's ok, I'm fine with that.

But goddamn it, it would be nice if things worked out ONE fucking day in life.

Had he died, all of you would have seen my rampage on the news today.

I suppose for those who are "positive thinkers", it's nice to know that the universe decided to give me a clue that bad luck is now 365 days a year instead of one less--and now it's rubbed off on Jack.


Unknown said...

Awww... poor Jack. I'm glad he's okay now.

Skitch said...

Thanks Deb :)

Anonymous said...

OMG poor Jack, why didn't the benadryl work? Geeezzzz, I'm so glad he's okay skitcher!


Skitch said...


Not sure why. They had to put IVs in him and get him back up to speed.

I'm glad he's ok too. Otherwise there would have been a rampage that made the news.