In these hot, summer months when baseball reigns (though it fails to reign over captivating me as much as it once did and I thank Bill Simmons for probably summing up the reason why in his latest article), I often think of the wisdom of movies rather than the "church of baseball".
"That's part of your problem. You haven't seen enough movies. All of life's riddles are answered in the movies."
--Davis (Steve Martin), Grand Canyon
To some extent, I think that's true and it even applies to TV, literature, music and many of the arts.
When something is amiss in life, I'll often recall a movie line that applies perfectly to the situation.
Lately, the one from Crash Davis in Bull Durham ("Don't think. It can only hurt the ball club.") has really been sticking in my brain and it's because I've always thought too much. I try to see every possible outcome in life, weighing the pluses and minuses until either the moment has passed me by or opting out of something because it's not what I originally intended for myself.
Sometimes I just need to let loose once in a while and see where the road takes me.
Of course, just when I consider that avenue, I recall Don Corleone's advice to Michael in The Godfather:
"It's an old habit. I spent my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless but not men."

So then I need to consider that too. However, as the movie shows, Don Corleone could not have possibly foreseen (nor did he ever want or plan on) Michael's taking over of the family business. His desire to consider every option and be as careful as possible proved to be nothing more than an exercise in futility.
Maybe it's the silly notion of control that we all think we have over our lives. Maybe in that need to not be careless and to think things through, we miss out on fun in life.
Maybe Annie Savoy in Bull Durham was right when she said "The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."
When I wasn't working, I was not only more self aware, but also considerably informed on what was going on in the world. I'd read more newspapers, watch the news channels, have lively "spirited" discussions on politics and world events...
...and it did little more than make me miserable.
I then look around at people throughout my day who seem relatively unaware (aka blissfully ignorant) and they seem to be much happier than I. Of course, that could be my perception of it and I could be completely wrong about them.
But perception is reality.
Take last night for example when two completely unrelated incidents occurred.
The first happened while I was imbibing at Buffalo Wild Wings while watching a game. Four guys came in (from golfing I would assume since they were dressed for the occasion). All were pretty well lit and having a great time. They actually played good music and were joking around.
My first thought was "That's probably why I have yet to go golfing because I don't want to be like that."
Then I thought...why not? Why not just have fun once in a while? Of course I don't have to let myself get as bad as they were but it would be nice just to not think about things once in a while and be happy.
Later, while chatting with an old friend, I was reminded of not one, but two times fate intervened to prevent something really fun from happening about 9 years ago. Lol...suffice it to say, I won't go into detail about past events, but maybe had thinking not come into play, things would have turned out much differently. (Not thinking in the first of those two incidents certainly recalls a very pleasant memory. ;) )
Anyway, I think that of all the quotes bandied about (I so love that term...and you really can't "bandy" anything unless it's about...have you ever noticed that?), the ones from Bull Durham present the most sound advice.
Thinking too much has gotten me this far (which is pretty much back to square one)...so perhaps as I'm on the eve of turning 40, throwing caution to the wind and simply letting a lot of self awareness go is the best advice I can take.
There just might be something to this blissful ignorance (with a dash of being careful thrown in for good measure)! :)
You know what, Sean ignorance really *is* bliss. I try to ignore what's going on around me and life is just so peaceful. I don't read the newspapers and don't watch the evening news and life is good.
All the bad stuff happening in the world only leads to depression and there's nothing we can do about it anyway.
I know...I guess what they say is true...people can't really make a difference.
Ok, well they can, but there has to be true convergence of so many little things to give someone that opportunity.
And I know I don't have that kind of luck...lol.
Wow ... so many directions I could go with this.
There are so few choices that we ACTUALLY get to make. We're required to be someone to someone else (be child, friend, sibling, spouse, parent, etc.) that it's difficult to be what we WANT to be.
That being said, we actually get to choose our attitudes.
My $0.02
Two questions though ...
1. What happened 9 years ago?
2. When does the road lead north? ;-) >:)
We can make a difference yes, what I mean is we can't prevent floods and other nasty acts of nature.
Hey K good questions, I'd like an answer to the second one too...it's time don't you think Sean?
Well we only get to choose our attitudes to some extent...external forces have a lot to do with that too, unfortunately.
As for your questions...
1) 9 years ago offered a fun Halloween party, a voluptuous, sexy witch, some latex and some steamy windows...lol.
2) Ill be making the trek north as soon as humanly possible! Lol. I just have to get things in order here first! :)
It's taking me longer than anticipated. :(
Some can make a difference...lol.
See above for answer. ;)
HAHA I remember that party. You 2 were a bit obnoxious that night.lol I guess that answers my question of if you 2 ever ended up hooking up.
Didn't you ever hear someone say, "sometimes, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do..?" (I think that could be applied to FUN stuff too)
So MY tip for you is...Live life,Be oblivious once in a while and Have fun ;)
Be nice to have fun and let loose...lol...just need the chance.
Hey...I never got to hook up...she had to run home...lol.
I hope you don't mind if I stay blissfully ignorant of the valid and profound questions you pose and instead just say that ANY post that mentions Bull Durham, The Godfather, AND Bill Simmons puts a hop in my skip in every time! -- mark
Hey...I aim to please...even if it is sometimes just me! ;)
But when I can put some juice in the berries, well that's damned fine too!
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