Each day brings a new adventure and subsequent tale...
Yesterday, over what is probably our final lunch for quite some time, Mark and I discussed Yoko's lack of a sense of urgency over having to move out of the condo. Again, Mark has told her repeatedly that he's turning off the utilities the day after I leave. You would think that would stimulate some sort of action on her part. Yet...she leisurely sits around, almost content in her lack of drive...
So yesterday, I mentioned that someone might want to buy the dining room table. She asked me if it was mine. I told her no and that I understand Mark wants to get rid of all of the furniture before short selling the condo. Basically, just trying to help them out. She informed me that she was going to sell the furniture as an entire lot (which is a good idea).
However, my latest endeavor with attempting to sell two pieces of furniture (a computer desk and a bookcase) has been fraught with problems. Most want to buy only one or the other and even that's been a problem. My price is quite reasonable considering that I'm parting with them for half of what they're worth and they're already built. All people have to do is come and haul it away. You would think that would be incredibly simple...but, alas, no.
Anyway, Yoko said that she still had to take pictures of all the items but that she had a few people interested already just by posting on Craigslist. I do find that a tad hard to believe because almost no one will buy anything without a photo.
I mentioned that I hope people plan to come and look at the furniture during the day since there will be no working lights in the evening. She scrunched her face up and looked at me as if I were insane.
Yoko: "Why would they have to come at night?"
Me: "Well, Mark's turning off the utilities the day after I leave."
Again, she looked at me as if this was the first time she'd heard this nugget of information.
So I dove in and asked a follow up question.
Me: "When's your target date for moving?"
Yoko: "I hope to get the furniture sold by mid April."
APRIL?!? I hope she plans on playing the role of Vegas frontierswoman because there will be no functioning utilities after March 10th.
I can't believe someone walks around and takes up space like this on a daily basis, using valuable air which others could be enjoying.
But that wasn't the only tale of Wednesday.
It was Yoko's laundry day.
Apparently, no one ever taught her that if you don't have an industrial size washer and dryer, you can't put every piece of clothing you own into it and expect things to come out fine.
As I write this, there were still clothes in the dryer, just sitting there. So, I figure if she's going to do her laundry college style, I'm going to do what I did in school when people neglected to remove their things in a timely manner--I'm going to take the clothes out and sit them on top of the dryer.
Here's my take on it...if you have in suite facilities, why not throw things in every few days to get ahead of the game? She never leaves the place anyway so what's the problem?
Now, as a direct result of jamming the dryer with tons of clothes, it squeaks loudly. So much so that as I listened to it last night, I couldn't help wondering if it was a cry for a quick and painless death. No luck on that front, my permanent press able friend!
To complete the trilogy of tales from yesterday, she and Mark came back from dinner as I was watching Lost.

Right now, that's the only show I watch on a regular basis and Mark is fully aware of that. I thought she was too but just a few short weeks ago, she found that she had to ask me a computer question right in the middle of the show.
What does she do last night? As soon as they returned, she turned on the dryer and I heard nothing but squeaks for several minutes right in the thick of the action.
Later Mark told me that he even told her to be quiet until the show was over (which we do while she watches Big Love). Thankfully, he came out and turned it off until the action wrapped.
So while taking a shower this morning (which is where I think of the weirdest correlations between things, oddly enough), I couldn't help but conjuring up a little ditty based on an old Schoolhouse Rock segment...
So...to the tune of that, I arrived at this snippet...
"Yoko is the subject of this blog post
And what stupidity says
She does"
The sad thing is that there will be at least 11 more days of it...
Umm... words do not begin to describe the look on my office mate's face as I practically fall out of my chair, giggling, gasping for air.
Considering I work in the middle of a government building I might want to reconsider reading all this at work. :P
Since, apparently, the diningroom table will have its own apartment soon I will continue my hunt. ;)
And if you need a few moments of sanity during all this I'm over at Twain and Nellis... oh.. and I have cold butter. :P
Oh I have enough stories about her to fill a book, believe me. These aren't even scratching the surface!
Nah, the government tolerates waste of time and money...you're ok...lol. I'm sure there's cash somewhere in the stimulus package to cover it. ;)
Cold butter?!? Sweet...especially since the last butter she put in the cabinet was MINE!
*waves the cold butter at ya before putting it back in the fridge*
nyah nyah nyah
I want more stories. lol.
Pop, pop, popopopopopop POP sigh there go more braincells.
Serious, Sean I had to stop reading this at work, my coworkers were giving me weird looks...could have been the random giggling.
Nyx, do a search of the word Yoko, there are funnier stories than this.
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