People wonder how I come up with weird stuff like this...
Prime example...
First of all, I love music...hence the paraphrasing of the lyric from the Little River Band song entitled "Reminiscing" (I'd ask you to forgive me but, in retrospect, there was nothing better than growing up on 70s AM radio)...
Second of all, I came home tonight and Jack was hungry...of course I spoil him with not only his food, but with what I eat too (which proves that not only people love Soylent Green ;) )
Anyway...Jack decided that he would eat his dry food tonight...he steals it from his bowl and then, with a mouth full of little kibbles, he scampers off into the moonlit living room.
What makes me laugh is that he almost always refuses to eat unless I stand so close to him (though I'm not a young teacher and the subject of young dog fantasies) I wait and utilize my night vision goggles (in case Clarice Starling decides to come a knocking) to watch him and wait for him to finish...
I can not only hear the sound of those little teeth crunching the minute bites, but I can see him looking up at me for some weird type of it's upon my ok that he what you can...enjoy...
But lately...Jack has been a tad mischievous....
He's been peeing on the rug and I finally figured out why.
I remember that my friend's mom found him wandering the streets. Since he was pretty well trained already, I surmised that he must have come from a good family that released him when they were foreclosed upon out here in Vegas.
I've been boxing up my things to ship to Pittsburgh.
I put 4 + 8+ 15 +16 +23 + 42 together and realized that he was, in a way, like a furry Billy Pilgrim, traveling through time--at least in his mind. (The numbers, in conjunction with the literary reference, is a nod to Lost fans)
He recalls his old family (who probably promised him a good life) packing up...and probably thinks that I'll abandon him as well.
I always assure him that his reminiscing on bad times is all for naught...that I love him and am planning on him being next to me on our impending road trip...
And I can sense that he somewhat understands for he looks up at me with those cute little eyes after crunching his food...and then, with a cock of his head...starts to lick himself...
At that moment, it occurs to me...that, on the long road trip ahead, I wish we could truly change places in a Freaky Friday/Vice Versa/18 Again sort of way...
...and he could drive!
Awww poor Jack, I wish there were some way to reassure him that he`s not going to be abandoned again. That really breaks my heart.
Had to laugh at the Lost references, thanks, Sean. I found a t-shirt online that says Lost on the front and I survived Flight 815 on the back.
I know what you mean about the musical references, there seems to be a song for every occasion.
Oh and Sean you never know, you might just BE the subject of young dog fantasies *winks*
Lol...if I were the subject of dog fantasies at least someone would be having them about me! ;)
Yeah...he'll be ok in the long run. Once we get out on the road I think he'll adapt.
How do you know some hot chick isn't having fantasies about you and is too shy to tell you?
Oh God Sean, you used the numbers didn't you? That's why you're cursed!
If Jack and his previous owner travelled a while before he was dumped his anxiety may increase before it decreases. you may want to bring something to clean up the mess. Oh and how about taking him for lots of drives so he sees that it doesn't mean being abandoned.
Lol...I know, believe me.
And yes, maybe I will take him on a few drives so he can get used to it...good idea!
Oh Sean why, WHY did you use the numbers? Did you learn nothing from Hurley?
You're welcome, Sean, I hope it works.
Oooooh word verification: winglati, a latte made from wings? Could work...
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