However, when I saw this headline, I felt that it needed to be acknowledged...
WHO to stop using term "swine flu" to protect pigs
Personally, I think it's courageous of Pete Townsend and Roger Daltrey to take a solid stand and present a unified (if not an eminence) front on the latest controversy. This is no put on...they seem to mean business in their defense of "the other white meat".
"Who are you...not swine flu...oooh oooh"
Really, they should also be commended for their stance on singing praises about those unpolished "diamond in the rough" young males who everyone dismisses as evident by the lyrics to Rough Boys as well. Going so far as to offer these upstanding young men beds for the night, leather to keep them warm and even a little TLC if necessary shows that some people out there really and truly do care about the welfare of others.
What would we do without them...?

That's cool! How are you?
*groans* this is bad even for you Sean...for shame, Sean for SHAME!!!
(Who is jealous she didn't think of this first)
Thanks. I'm good. Welcome to my blog.
Thankfully SOMEONE got it!
It's a joke, a rib tickler, a...
Never mind...
But thank
I don't stoop...I aim higher...not my fault that people can't grasp the funny. ;)
Took a while but yeah I got it....and no it's a groaner no doubt about it.
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