Sunday, May 3, 2009

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...

...sometimes regret not being there behind a tree with a sharp hatchet to bury in an idiot traveler's head.

Some people should learn not to traverse in the same woods that I do and expect to come out unscathed...

Just saying...

And now for something completely different...

...yet similar...

You get the idea...



Fire said...

Geeez Sean I'm sorry....*plans to stay out of the woods*

Skitch said...

Karen,'s not you. Just tired of dealing with idiots...

Anonymous said...

... if you go into the woods today, you're in for a big surprise .....

Yikes, seems safer to hang with the teddy bears than the skitch bears.

*hands Sean a beer*


Fire said...

Yup K, teddy bears can have teeth you know *nods wisely* Skitch bears also have teeth but they don't bite....usually

this post is brought to you by the word verification "dicebre" which is December spelled really, really badly

Lana said...

come on now skitch, since when are hatchets only for travelers??

Skitch said...


Only certain people are unsafe in my woods!


Skitch said...


I usually only bark...but will bite hard when

Skitch said...


Well, they're not. Lol...shhh..we don't want people to be tipped off.

Actually, I have a great (non violent) hatchet story that may appear here one day!