Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mysterious Disappearances and Reappearances

Tonight I ran into people that I haven't seen in about eight years. Two very good friends that I worked with and now have known about 20 years (god, I feel old). Both are married and seem to be pretty happy (which is nice as I knew them when all they dated were complete tools) and haven't changed a bit.

It was good to see them after all this time!

On the flip side, I'm about ready to put someone's picture on this... I've not heard from them in well over a week. We used to chat on the phone at least once every few days when I was in Vegas.

Since moving back and even visiting them in person, however, the relationship has devolved into texts (the last two of which have gone unanswered) and no calls whatsoever (even an e-mail that I thought they would find interesting has met with, as Genesis said, "No reply at all").

Either I may need to put that photo on this milk carton or accept that I've gotten some sort of friendship "two for one" deal. Lol.

I hope not, though...

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