Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is...Halloween?

With each passing year, I tend to notice that fewer people and businesses decorate for (or even make passing reference to) Halloween?

Why is this? Is it because our so called "God fearing nation" considers this some Pagan like holiday that will warp our children?

Virtually nowhere will you find decorations, Halloween related music or even horror movies available for sale.

Aren't people allowed to just have fun anymore?

Where I'm currently working, there's zero mention made of the holiday save for some small displays. Years ago, when I managed a laser tag facility, I'd stay after hours unpaid to decorate and even design an overnight event so that people could enjoy themselves. I just love the holiday.

Anyway, if you're looking for some great horror movies to watch this weekend, check out the blog Riku Writes--Mostly About Film for some fantastic recommendations. I commented on it and you'll see a few of mine as well.

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Happy halloWeird to you too Sean!


Skitch said...


Lol. Thanks!