Saturday, December 12, 2009

I...(part five)

...tend to over-: analyze; observe; (be) protective (of); compensate; act; do it; react; estimate...

You name it...the last few years, I've tended to "over" anything you can mention. These are just a few of my faults.

"If you want people to notice your faults, start giving advice."

This quote is actually from a google search from me just typing in "fault quotes" and not attributed to anyone in particular.

Too bad, because it's somewhat accurate in terms of how I am.

I DO give advice...but it's not from some lofty superiority complex that I's from what I've lived through.

And it's not as if I know it all, because I don't. In no uncertain terms do I even remotely believe that I grasp "the meaning of life".

I had great conversations with people tonight that made me think of things in different ways.

In fact, that's what I seek out, more than anything.

I absolutely love having discussions with others, no matter what point of view that they have. Sometimes they sway me...sometimes it's vice versa.

The point is that the conversations take place.


On the flip side...

I tend to offer advice when it's not requested or needed. I do find myself pushing "advice" on others.

I'm flawed.

I'm at fault.

I don't particularly like who I am and where I'm at in life...and if psychoanalyzed, I'm overcompensating...I'm projecting my faults, fears and whatever else onto others.

I get it. I'm pretty self-actualized.

Well...somewhat. ;)

There are things I need to work on.

There are things everyone needs to work on.

But for me to be happy and to actually be at the place I want to be...

It's akin to this...

We're all tired of working toward who we want to be and what we're trying to achieve...and all in an attempt to make living life a little easier.

In the words of Jerry Maguire,

"Help ME, help YOU"

If we all do that, wouldn't we all overcome our faults a little easier?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one is perfect and we all need a hand sometimes...
"Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on"
